Sophia Latjuba Diharapkan Bahagia Dengan Selingkuhannya

By, Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011 | 09:21 WIB
Sophia Latjuba Diharapkan Bahagia Dengan Selingkuhannya (

Sophia Latjuba Diharapkan Bahagia Dengan Selingkuhannya (

"Sophia Latjuba dan Michael Villareal (Foto: Agus Dwianto) "

Suami Sophia Latjuba, Michael Villareal menyayangkan rumah tangganya hancur akibat kehadiran orang ketiga. Sophia dituding Michael telah berselingkuh. Meski mengaku sedih, Michael berharap Sophie berbahagia dengan kekasih barunya.

"I have always wanted Sophie to be happy although it breaks my heart that it is not happy with me, I truly wish her and her new love happiness," tutur Michael. Perpisahan antara Sophie dan Michael masih bisa dimengerti oleh Michael. Pria asal Amerika itu berharap kalau pernikahannya bisa diselamatkan selama Sophia belum menandatangani surat perceraian mereka. "I have during our marriage remained faithful to Sophia and I shall remaind faithful until such time as the divorce papers have her signature," ucap Michael. Michael sempat meminta maaf karena gagal menyelamatkan rumah tangganya. "I humbly ask for forgiveness from God and all of you who have followed and supported our short lived union for my failure to hold the marriage together," katanya.Okki