Hamish Daud Tak Berhenti Cium Raisa hingga Tersipu Malu, Lihat Ulahnya

By Firli Athiah Nabila, Senin, 11 September 2017 | 08:53 WIB
Raisa dan Hamish Daus saat konferensi pers, Minggu (3/9)
Raisa dan Hamish Daus saat konferensi pers, Minggu (3/9) (Firli Athiah Nabila)

"They way they stare at each other, the way they tease each other, that constant moment of laughter and joy when they are together," tulis Alvasus.

"True love comes in different forms and ways. They are my real version of Princess Aurora and Prince Philip. This was recorded during a photoshoot we did together," tuturnya.

Baca juga: Cerita Lucu Zaskia Adya Mecca, Ibu 3 Anak yang Dikira Masih 17 Tahun

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