Meskipun Tak Sempurna, Gadis Kecil Ini Berhasil Menjadi Seorang Model

By Hinggar, Senin, 2 Juli 2018 | 16:15 WIB
Daisy May Demetre model berusia 7 tahun
Daisy May Demetre model berusia 7 tahun () – Ketika mendengar kata 'model' pasti di pikiran kita adalah fisik yang sempurna tanpa kekurangan.

Namun berbeda dengan model ciliki berusia 7 tahun ini.

Daisy-May Demetre tak mememiliki kaki yang bisa menopang tubuhnya.

Ia lahir dengan kondisi yang disebut dengan fibular hemimelia, yang membuatnya cacat sejak lahir.

(Baca juga: Polusi Udara Dapat Memicu Diabetes? Ini Penjelasan Pakar dan Hasil Penelitiannya)

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE ***  BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - UNDATED: Daisy when she was a baby with her undeveloped legs, taken in Birmingham, England. A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD double amputee is showing that her differences won't hold her back. Daisy-May Demetre, from Birmingham, UK was born with a condition called fibular hemimelia, a birth defect where part or all of the fibular bone in the leg is missing. In Daisy?s case she had one tiny fibular bone in one leg and on the other side it was completely missing. With Daisy's balance and mobility affected, Alex and Claire (Daisy?s mum) decided the best option was for their daughter to have below the knee amputations on both legs. After her operation, Daisy was fitted with prosthetic legs, and learnt to walk, run, jump - and more in them. Alex set up an Instagram account for Daisy, and following the attention she received they applied to Zebedee Management, a modelling agency for diverse models.  PHOTOGRAPH BY Barcroft Images
*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - UNDATED: Daisy when she was a baby with her undeveloped legs, taken in Birmingham, England. A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD double amputee is showing that her differences won't hold her back. Daisy-May Demetre, from Birmingham, UK was born with a condition called fibular hemimelia, a birth defect where part or all of the fibular bone in the leg is missing. In Daisy?s case she had one tiny fibular bone in one leg and on the other side it was completely missing. With Daisy's balance and mobility affected, Alex and Claire (Daisy?s mum) decided the best option was for their daughter to have below the knee amputations on both legs. After her operation, Daisy was fitted with prosthetic legs, and learnt to walk, run, jump - and more in them. Alex set up an Instagram account for Daisy, and following the attention she received they applied to Zebedee Management, a modelling agency for diverse models. PHOTOGRAPH BY Barcroft Images (Barcroft Images)

Saat lahir Daisy memiliki tulang fibula kecil di satu kaki, dan yang lainnya tak ada.

Pada akhirnya orang tua gadis kecil ini memutuskan untuk mengamputasi lutut putri mereka.

Usai dilakukan operasi, ia dipasangi kaki prostetik yang membuatnya bisa berjalan.

Tak hanya bisa berjalan, tetapi ia bisa berlari, melompat dan melakukan berbagai hal yang dilakukan anak-anak seusianya.

(Baca juga: Tak Banyak yang Tahu, Ini Waktu Terbaik untuk Bercinta dengan Pasangan)