Dalam acara tersebut, Meghan Markle mempresentasikan penghargaan kepada Sophia Skarparis sebagai Young Conservationist of the Year Award.
At the @AusGeo Society Awards, The Duchess of Sussex presents Sophia Skarparis with the Young Conservationist of the Year Awards, for her work to ban plastic bags in New South Wales. #RoyalVisitAustralia pic.twitter.com/M6rHHbFHDf
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 26, 2018
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Sophia telah mengkampanyekan untuk melarangkan semua tas plastik di New South Wales, Australia.
Sedangkan Pangeran Harry mempersembahkan penghargaan kepada Jade Hameister sebagai Young Adventurer of The Year Award.
At the @AusGeo Society Awards, The Duke of Sussex presents Jade Hameister with the Young Adventurer of the Year Award — in 2018 Jade, 16, became the youngest person to ski to both the North and South poles. #RoyalVisitAustralia pic.twitter.com/wtzaFWk55m
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 26, 2018
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Jade yang berusia 16 tahun menjadi orang termuda yang bermain ski di kutub Utara dan Selatan. (*)