"I been keeping this secret for too long now but here it is, I am now the host of Indonesian Idol this season! wtf right?!
This is crazy and scary! Doain ya teman2, semoga I can do justice to the show and bring my own spin to it.
Thank you @officialrcti and @fremantleid for trusting me. I will do my best sambil belajar along the way.
Gue gak akan bisa nyamain my big brother @vjdaniel because he is just too legendary and just too good.
There will never be another Daniel and i'll always look up to him. I have to make my own footprint. Mohon doa nya ya teman-teman!
Baca Juga: Biodata Ovi Dian, Artis Crazy Rich Indonesia yang Viral di Vlog Boy William
Buat peserta idol tahun ini, dont worry, i feel you, kita sama2 baru.
Let's be friends! Indonesian Idol Special Season mulai tanggal 16 November jam 9 malam di RCTI," tulis Boy William. (*)
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