instagram @gigihadid
Tunjukkan Kepeduliannya, Gigi Hadid Kunjungi Pengungsi Rohingnya
Today at one of the ‘Women/Girl Friendly’ zones in the Jamtoli Camp: a safe place for women, young and old, to come learn basic education as well as personal hygiene, skills such as sewing, and also a place where they can share & connect with other women. We spoke about their personal stories & hardships, what they enjoy and benefit from currently in the refugee camps, what they still need, and what they hope for their futures. Their strength, bravery, and desire to learn and better their lives and the lives of their children is inspiring and encourages us / @unicefusa to continue to find new ways to support these amazing human beings during this crisis. @unicefbangladesh #childrenuprooted
A post shared by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Aug 17, 2018 at 8:06am PDT
Dalam kunjungannya model ini mencoba berinteraksi dengan para pengungsi perempuan dalam tempat yang mereka sebut dengan "Women/girl friendly".
Ia mendengarkan kisah dan kesulitan yang dihadapi pengungsi.
(Baca juga: Megah Bak Istana, Rumah Anang Hermansyah Simpan Banyak Cerita Mistis )
Perempuan berusia 23 tahun ini juga membaur dengan anak-anak yang ada di pengungsian, dan mendengar apa yang pengungsi ini harapkan untuk masa depannya.
This morning we visited the @UNICEF Child Friendly Space in Camp 9 of the Kutupalong Balukhali Refugee Camp, which sole purpose is to let kids be kids !!! ???????? As well as psychosocial work to help them get through trauma through activities like art, they also can play sports, learn music, and learn to read & draw (some for the first time in their lives). Separate from educational spaces, the importance of these spaces is huge due to the fact that refugee children can spend a majority of the day working, usually collecting fire wood from miles away so their families can cook, taking care of siblings, helping around the house, etc., and here they can just focus on having fun! ☺️ Kutupalong Balukhali Population: 626,500. This is the “MegaCamp,” it has 23 of the 32 camps within it. Link in my bio to learn more ???????? @unicefusa @unicefbangladesh
A post shared by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Aug 18, 2018 at 12:02am PDT
Gigi Hadid juga bermain bola dengan para pengungsi, ini sebagai bentuk terapi bagi para pengungsi anak-anak untuk menghilangkan rasa trauma dalam diri mereka.
(Baca juga: Mengalami Luka Tembak, Perempuan Ini Dapat Wajah Baru, Seperti Apa? )
Para pengungsi yang ada di Cox's Bazaar adalah orang-orang Rohingnya , yang melarikan diri dari Myanmar pada tahun 2015.
Etnis ini melarikan diri ke Bangladesh Tenggara pada Agustus 2017 akibat militer Myanmar melakukan operasi militer di daerah tersebut. (*)
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