Back lift
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“Halt and catch fire” . Progressions and warm-ups are essential when taking your joints into any extreme range of motion, such as that seen in the exercise above. . While some people view flexibility and strength in oppostition, the “lifting heavy weights makes you tight” mentality, in reality ACTIVE flexibility (true flexibility) is the product of muscular strength. . While you may be able to push your joints further than you can move them actively, the risk of injury is higher, because the muscles around it are no longer stabilizing it. So how do we know where our active range ends and how do we increase it? . The exercise above is called Swan Dive. It requires high levels of shoulder, back and glute/hamstring strength. . Here I have demonstrated a few exercises that I used as my warm-up. Notice that I started by using my arms to assist, but my back and hips are still active (they are responsible for about 80-90% of the work and the weight in my arms is very light), the curve of my spine remains the same between the first and second photo. Had I been using only my arms, my back would have flattened out when I raised my legs. . That is MY active range, and I use it as a guide in the following exercises. I change the direction of the load and emphasize the extension from lumbar into my thoracic spine. . An alternative would have been to use the foot strap on the cadillac and lift the upper body (an inversion). . These exercises represent a few options for progressing a client over time (building strength will increase the range of motion) or a warm-up for an advanced practitioner, the difference is determined by their strength and experience, but in order to keep it safe, you MUST know and respect their active range of motion ???????? . Top by @portdebras Leggings by @runningbare83 . #therecenteredmovement #recenteryourbody #yoga #pilates #exercise #workout #progressions #spinalextension #backworkout #backexercises #strongereveryday #posture #personaltrainer #innovativetechniques #stretching #flexibility #fitspo #bestbodyever #tuesdaytransformation #losangeles #pilateslovers #yogalife #health #healthyspine
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Hampir mirip seperti gerakan di atas, bedanya kita perlu meletakkan jari di belakang telinga dan siku di atas matras.
Setelah itu, angkat tubuh bagian atas setinggi mungkin dan tahan beberapa detik, lalu turunkan kembali.
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Pastikan untuk melakukan gerakan mengangkat tubuh bagian atas, tidak hanya kepala saja yang terangkat.
Apabila mengalami nyeri pada bagian leher, itu tandanya gerakan belum dilakukan dengan benar.
Ulangi gerakan tersebut selama 45 detik dan istrirahat selama 15 detik.
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